by Matthew Arnold Lîm Jū-khái 台語翻譯2007/6/15
The sea is calm to-night. Eng-àm 海是深靜
The tide is full, the moon lies fair滿流ê潮期,月娘公平掛tī
Upon the straits; -on the French coast the light 海峽天頂; French chit-pêng海岸燈火
Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand, 暗淡而且chit-má 花去啊; England 海邊koân崖削壁,
Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. 微微暗又龐大,thóng出tī安寧海灣。
Come to the window, sweet is the night air! 飄來窗邊,今夜ê空氣甜甜!
Only, from the long line of spray Kan-taⁿ,按hit條長長浪花線
Where the sea meets the moon-blanch'd land, Tī hia海kap phah tio̍h 月光ê陸地相見ê所在,
Listen! you hear the grating roar 斟酌聽!hit 角脆脆拖磨ê âu-kiò
Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, 圓卵石hō'海湧拖回,koh拋遠去ê所hoah,
At their return, up the high strand, Tī in tńg來ê時,peh kah khah-koân 淺thoà,
Begin, and cease, and then again begin, 開始,歇止,koè--lâi koh-chài開始,
With tremulous cadence slow, and bring 照著慢慢chín-chùn ê 節奏, 引入
The eternal note of sadness in. Che哀傷永恆ê kì-tî。
Sophocles long ago Sophocles 久年以前
Heard it on the Aegean, and it brought Mā佇Aegean海聽tio̍h伊,插
Into his mind the turbid ebb and flow 入伊ê心 ú-lô 衰退kap 海流chúi
Of human misery; we Chhut tī屬於人類ê悲慘; ah lán
Find also in the sound a thought, 按che 聲音lāi發現一lê想法,
Hearing it by this distant northern sea. Koh聽著伊tī chit遙遠ê北海。
The Sea of Faith 信念海
Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore Mā pat,有滿潮,四界tī陸地海岸
Lay like the folds of a bright girdle furl'd. Ná áu 幾chi̍h ê金腰帶 hē tī hia。
But now I only hear 只是chit-má我kan-taⁿ聽--tio̍h
Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, 伊ê憂鬱,久長渺茫,退離ê嚎號
Retreating, to the breath 一直撤退,kàu 一種喘氣聲絲
Of the night-wind, down the vast edges drear 夜風ê聲絲,落ji̍p無垠ê邊緣陰鬱
And naked shingles of the world. Koh露體ê世界柴枋厝頂。
Ah, love, let us be true Ah,愛,tio̍h hō'咱用真實
To one another! for the world, which seems 來saⁿ對待!因為世界,看--khiai
To lie before us like a land of dreams, 是佇lán面前起造ê夢國地。
So various, so beautiful, so new, Hiah-ni̍h 多變多姿,hiah súi,hiah新,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Hia tek實iā無歡愉,iā無愛,iā無光明,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; 無確實,iā無平和,mā無苦楚ê tháu-kái;
And we are here as on a darkling plain Ah lán tī chia ná-sêng tī 烏暗可怕ê曠野
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Hông掃tiāu koh懷著kún-chhéng kap逃閃ê困惑恐懼,
Where ignorant armies clash by night. Chia無知ê軍隊夜暗中發lòng擊chhut鏘鏘聲。
Tâi-gí tio̍h kóng chún saⁿ-tǹg, chiâu-ûn hēng-hok ū só͘-ǹg, bán tê po-koa siá lo̍h kǹg, Tâi-gí hēng-hok soaⁿ tê-hn̂g。
Si sī teh an-ùi ū kàu-ióng ê lâng, só͘-chò ê thit-thô oa̍h-tāng。
詩 只是安慰 有教養的人 所做 ê 遊戲。
張貼留言 (Atom)
Tn̂g-bóe-soaⁿ-niû koh lâi ah
Kin-á-ji̍t, lâng iah lám-lám, tio̍h chham-ka ha̍k-hāu ūn-tōng-hōe bē-tàng cháu, tām-po̍h-á bē sóng. Châng-ng mn̄g in kám beh lâi, lóng chhé...
1. TLH Thâu-lâng ê sú-bēng Lán Tâi-gí lâng hō͘ lâng kóng: lín chiok ū-sim, ū jia̍t-chêng, góa chiok khim-pōe--lí. M̄-kú beh siá Tâi-gí, beh ...
Ah-nn̄g-chio̍h1 âng--ê, chhiⁿ--ê, o͘--ê lóng-ū Kiô-sek, n̂g-sek, siōng-chōe phú-sek--ê Phah-choh Sèng-tiān pōe-kéng Tī chia Îⁿ-sin...
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